CloudOpt Launches Data Acceleration Service for Rackspace Public Cloud

CloudOpt, a provider of cloud WAN optimization, has announced that its Speed-as-a-Service solution is now available onĀ Rackspace Public Cloud, in data centers in Chicago and Sydney, Australia. The service delivers data acceleration for Rackspaceā€™s public cloud server environments.

cloud-serversRunning on Rackspace Public Cloud, CloudOpt would significantly accelerate the movement of data to or from Rackspace data centers and services such as RackSpace Cloud Files and Cloud Servers. Speed-as-a-Service has helped its customers reduce data transfer times and costs by up to 90%, according to the company. Additional Rackspace data centers will be added in response to customer demand.

Accelerating large transfers of data into and out of a cloud server environment, Speed-as-a-Service is a good solution for:Ā 

  • Near real time replication of databases across data centers
  • Fast Big Data uploads to the cloud
  • Full daily backups to the cloud
  • Rapid restoration of cloud backup data
  • Migrating applications with large databases to Rackspace Cloud

Requiring no networking expertise, Speed-as-a-Service is accessed using a Windows or Linux client. The CloudOpt client intercepts data destined for addresses in the Rackspace Public Cloud, establishes an encrypted connection to the Speed-as-a-Service network in the requested data center, applies compression, de-duplication, and protocol optimizations and then delivers the data to its original destination within Rackspace.

With operations in the Silicon Valley, Seattle and Belfast, Northern Ireland, CloudOptā€™s Speed-as-a-Service is now available on Rackspace Public Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine, and can be deployed on other popular IaaS cloud server environments or in on-premise data centers.