Open Data Center Alliance Delivers Roadmap for Enterprise Cloud Adoption

enterprise-cloud-hostingData Center Alliance (ODCA), the global organization created in October 2010 with the assistance of Intel to coordinate the development of standards for cloud computing, has released a paper with a roadmap enterprises can use to plan cloud adoption strategies and implementations based on ODCA usage models and requirements.

The ODCA, with BMW, Deutsche Bank, Royal Dutch Shell and Capgemini among its joining members, has updated its Cloud Maturity Model (CMM) to include five levels of cloud maturity and maturity models for Software as a Service (SaaS), PaaS (Platform as a Service), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Information as a Service (Info-aaS). The paper with the CMM updates reviews both the business and technology issues associated with each level of cloud maturity and has been developed to serve as a roadmap.

The ODCA CMM would provide information that can be used immediately to analyze enterprise cloud readiness and as a business and technology roadmap for continuously adding new services as enterprise cloud requirements evolve.

Free Download Roadmap Enterprise Cloud

The ODCA CMM provides an end-to-end visualization of how the enterprise cloud develops over time, starting with no cloud adoption and progressing through five maturity levels that eventually lead to defining an enterprise’s capabilities and requirements for deploying full-scale federated cloud services that are open, secure and interoperable.

The Cloud Maturity Model has been developed with input from ODCA members National Australia Bank (NAB), AT&T, BMW, and other enterprise companies.

The CMM represents the enterprise’s ability to sustainably adopt cloud services within defined governance and control parameters and includes assessment of cloud architecture, infrastructure, information and management. Organizations can use the CMM to identify where they currently are on the cloud maturity model and to determine where they want to be in the future – based on each and everyone’s unique business goals and criteria outlined in the CMM.

The Cloud Maturity Model has been developed within ODCA’s Manageability and Services Workgroup with input from ODCA members AT&T, BMW, The Walt Disney Company, Intel, National Australia Bank (NAB) and T-Systems. The paper is part of ODCA’s extensive library of output that includes over 25 usage models and requirements focused on enterprise cloud computing and big data.

The CMM is available for free download on the ODCA website.