User analytics in Immersive Stream for XR

User analytics plays a crucial role when it comes to understanding customers, iterating products, and generating business insights. This tutorial will show you how to use Google Analytics with a 3rd-party Measurement Protocol plugin developed by UNAmedia to track user interactions and behaviors in Immersive Stream for XR. Google does not charge for access to the 3rd-party Measurement Protocol plugin and to Unreal® Engine, which is subject to the Unreal® Engine End User License Agreement.

0:00 – Intro
0:40 – 3rd-party Measurement Protocol plugin overview
1:11 – Tutorial context explanation
1:51 – Plugin installation, configuration, and enablement
2:48 – Google Analytic setup
4:20 – Basic event tracking for what paint colors are most often chosen
5:53 – Advanced event tracking for what paint colors and audio systems are most often chosen
8:30 – Wrap

3rd-party Measurement Protocol analytics plugin →
Updated Immersive Stream for XR Unreal template project in this tutorial →

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Duration: 00:08:46
Publisher: Google Cloud
You can watch this video also at the source.